Domnul Fotograf


My brother got married

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A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.

A long time I’ve been waiting for this moment: to see my best friend getting tangled by this gorgeous, sublime and beautiful soul (yes that’s you Natasa) and start this exciting new chapter in his life called marriage. It makes me smile thinking of his red face, trying to get hold of his emotions,  when I surprised him with my arrival. I wasn’t expected at the civil wedding, only at the ceremony later this year.  How could I have not been there for him? After all, real friends show their love in times of trouble, right? :-))

Andrei, brother, from an experienced pioneer in this field I am telling you that it’s so great to finally find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. And remember: marriage is give and take. You’d better give it to her or she’ll take it anyway. Or, like a walk in the park… Jurrasic Park. Oh, and one last thing: always hold her hand. If you let go, she shops. 

Have a great life you two, filled with joy and precious moments. May your love be like an unstoppable train with no brakes in front of any life obstacle.

PS: it has been a great pleasure to be there for this unique moment.


Mihai (aka dl. Fotograf) & Alina (the better half)

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